Doves pigeons and peace

When it comes to symbols of peace they are numerous, but nothing beats a good old dove. Doves have long been used to portray peace. This esteemed position has given doves an ego boost; maybe even a bit of an attitude. It’s important to remember that these airborne peaceniks are actually from the same family as the everyday pigeon – Columbidae.

It’s important to remember that these airborne peaceniks are actually from the same family as the everyday pigeon – Columbidae

Interestingly, some of the peaceful traits associated with the snow-white attention seekers can also be seen in good old give-you-a-dirty-look-while-walking-slowly-in-front-of-your-car urban pigeons. Sometimes these stare downs result in a dead pigeon, I can’t say it enough, something that can fly should never, ever, get run over by a car! It defies logic.

Recently I installed a new bird feeder outside my window. The old one had served its purpose. This new beauty has been very successful with pigeons while the old one tended to attract smaller birds such as sparrows and finches. 

I can’t say it enough, something that can fly should never, ever, get run over by a car! It defies logic

The pigeons are a much more aggressive lot of visitors when compared to the sparrows, jockeying for position, body-checking each other aside, and, my favourite, throwing haymakers at each other with their wings. It’s not uncommon to hear them squawking on the window sill then a series of “whap, whap, whap” as they take swings at each other, whacking their fellow feathered friends on the back of the head.

One of my recent customers

I’m no pugilist, but even I can see the futility in whacking another with what is essentially a pillow without a case – i.e. a bunch of feathers. Yet here’s where the peace initiative comes in. Because while these feathered friends choose to use their feathers to establish position at the feeder, each one of them has a sharp hooked beak that could open a can of soup that they don’t employ. Think of the potential bloodbath if they did.

… hear them squawking on the window sill then a series of “whap, whap, whap” as they take swings at each other, whacking their fellow feathered friends on the back of the head

Perhaps these guys approach the situation much as the old Super Powers handled the arms race.  Several countries had nuclear weapons, but no one used them fearing retaliation from the others. If I peck him in the ear to get to the feeder, what’s to stop him from pecking me in the eye? 

Why is it that birds can understand this concept , yet humans still seem to resort to a “might is right” approach to international relations?

2 thoughts on “Doves pigeons and peace

  1. There could be a guano problem , no?

    1. I’m guano let you know if that happens!! Ha.

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