Interview with Twitter’s #

Here is my interview with perhaps the most important driving force at Twitter; the Hashtag.

DCM:  Thanks for taking a few moments from your busy day to talk to me Hashtag. I know you are busy because you are the only thing that is always trending on Twitter, albeit in conjunction with something else.

#:         It’s my pleasure. You’re right, I’m always visible whenever you check what’s hot on Twitter or what’s trending.

DCM:  You’ve been coupled with everything from #armadillos to #Zorro, how do you keep up with all the searches?

#:         It’s not easy, but I have some sense of what’s coming up and prepare myself. For instance I’m always busy with #Christmas and #Hanukkah in December. and now there’s a lot of #RaceTogether going on. This prep work allows me to deal with the pop up trenders like #Snowstorm.

DCM:  Do you have some favorites?

#:         I am proud of the work I do with safety issues like #hurricane and I’m a bit of a ham so I enjoy #Oscars. It was my honor to play a role in elections with #Vote, if only more people would do so.

Great-Grandfather Tic-Tac-Toe

DCM:  How did you get the job at Twitter?

#:         I come from a long line of symbols. My grandfather # was known as “Number Sign” many years ago and my father # was the famous Pound Key on telephones. In fact my great-grandfather may also be familiar to you from Tic-Tac-Toe.

DCM:  One last thing. I find it interesting that with all you do to help people find things on Twitter there are no results for ##.

#:         That’s the way I like it. I’m not the focus, but a search enabler. Never get too big for your breeches!

BC by Mastroianni and Hart
DCS_Grad_2 DCMontreal – Deegan Charles Stubbs – is a Montreal writer born and raised who likes to establish balance and juxtapositions; a bit of this and a bit of that, a dash of Yin and a soupçon of Yang, some Peaks and an occasional Frean and maybe a bit of a sting in the tail! Please follow DC on Twitter @DCMontreal and on Facebook, and add him on Google+

28 thoughts on “Interview with Twitter’s #

  1. Epic article!

  2. “I come from a long line of symbols. My grandfather # was known as “Number Sign” many years ago and my father # was the famous Pound Key on telephones. In fact my great-grandfather may also be familiar to you from Tic-Tac-Toe.?”

    THIS had me laughing out loud in the coffee shop. Brilliant writing, clever take on the prompt. Thanks x

  3. good…


  5. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE MICHAEL J FOX FOUNDATION fighting Parkinson’s. Thank U!!!

  6. Brilliant! loved the tone ,sounds exactly like all the celebrity interviews, loved the bit about it not being easy … kudos!

    1. Thanks very much, I enjoyed writing it!

  7. Brilliantly funny. This really helped to get me started on my contribution.

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