Montreal designates Raoul Wallenberg honorary citizen

There is certainly no shortage of municipal news in Montreal currently and I’m afraid the vast majority of it isn’t the kind any citizen wants to see. Charges and allegations of corruption and calls for various mayors to resign make for a less than proud moment in a city’s history.

Fortunately a very positive item has emerged as Montreal has officially designated Raoul Wallenberg an honorary citizen.  Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, was responsible for saving countless Jews from the Nazis .

“Wallenberg was a Swedish non-Jew who in four months in 1944 saved a larger number of Jews than any other government,” said Irwin Cotler, member of Parliament for Mount Royal. “A man who demonstrated that one person can resist and prevail over evil; that one person can transform history.”

This isn’t the first honour bestowed upon Wallenberg in the city. A monument to him stands in the courtyard adjacent to Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Montreal.


I  hope  this story will not be lost amidst the current morass of questionable municipal activity and downright shenanigans that have monopolized the front pages lately. It is nice to feel a sense of pride in the city.

DCS_Grad_2 DCMontreal – Deegan Charles Stubbs – is a Montreal writer born and raised who likes to establish balance and juxtapositions; a bit of this and a bit of that, a dash of Yin and a soupçon of Yang, some Peaks and an occasional Frean and maybe a bit of a sting in the tail! Please follow DC on Twitter @DCMontreal and on Facebook, and add him on Google+
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3 thoughts on “Montreal designates Raoul Wallenberg honorary citizen

  1. Fabulous initiative on the part of Montreal. Our world needs more astonishing and courageous role models like Wallenberg. This designation of Honourary citizenship on him denotes Montreal’s astute recognition that even in the face of horrific evil, not to mention personal danger, every one of us can, must, make contribute to justice and to human rights. Wallenberg had no vested interest in saving Hungarians (as a Swede), nor Jews (as a non-Jew). But he saved 100,000 Jewish Hungarian civilians from certain extermination! That none was able to save him is an unforgivable blight on all humanity. Bravo to David Matas and other courageous researchers who continue to seek the truth as to Wallenberg’s final fate. May they prevail and Wallenberg continue to inspire each of us to take personal responsibility, and to “save one life”.

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